Oct 142021

Meeting Attendees: Shawn Maynard, Bradon Martin, Spencer Bradley, Bill Kerner, and Kendall Madsen. Missing Justin Wood, and Kayla Decker.

Roads: Discussed the parking of trailers along the sides of the road. Will review CCR’s.

Water: Contract is out to the divers to check the integrity of the water tanks. $1000 per tank. Still working on the PRV Station in the vault on Pole Patch Drive. Needs new diaphragm and tubing.

Gate: Kendall introduced the idea of modifying the entrance into the gate and using some of Stull’s property to accommodate it . They have requested a plan showing the specifics. The gate codes have all been erased and the three new ones are activated. The gates are now scheduled to be open every weekday morning from 6:45am to 8:30am. They will also be open most Holidays. Talked about giving the fire department push buttons for gate access.

Annual Meeting: Decided to move annual meeting that is traditionally in February to June.

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