2018-8/14 August

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Aug 152018

In attendance: Shawn Maynard, David Park, Elaine D’Agnillo, Wes Whitehead, Kirk Chugg, Don Scott

Not in attendance:  Bruce Engleby



Road Slurry Contract- * cost for slurry $65,000 every 7 years for the upper portion.  This will be starting the end of August.  At this point, the lower section of the road would not benefit from crack sealing.

Cost for major repair on lower section will be $100,000  in about 10 years.


Snow Plow Contract- Elaine will follow up on this.  We are looking for someone who will charge us an hourly rate for the plowing. And will assign us a specific person to do a good consistent job for us.

Finance discussion- do yearly dues create enough income to cover ongoing road repair? current yearly surplus is about $10,000 but we need $15,000 yearly for proper roads maintenance.  $5,000 yearly for unknowns- water system – excess snow etc.

We need to increase our assessments to raise an additional $10,000 per year.  This will be approx $350 per household.  This will increase our yearly dues to $1,850 beginning in 2019.


Fire Safety – The fire department would like to come to our yearly meeting and discuss fire safety.  We will invite them in February.

clearing fuel

Phone tree – Dave will take the responsibility to create a contact list.  If there is an emergency please let Dave Park know (801) 390-7189 and he will send a text blast out to everyone.

We will bring up mowing along the roads at the yearly meeting.

Water – we are currently required by the state to test our water 3 times per week.  This is just done with a test strip and reported online.  There is a meeting on August 23rd to begin the discussions for the city to take over our water system.

For new construction in Pole Patch, the home owner is responsible to purchase and install a water meter prior to using any water.  Our source for water meters is Meter Works:  1199 W. 850 N., Centerville, UT  (801) 292-7900

We will ask John to add information to the “welcome packet” about needing to put a meter in before using any water, or they will incur a fine.

Next Meeting is Tuesday September 11th




2018-7/10 July

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Jul 092018

in attendance: Shawn Maynard, David Park, Elaine D’Agnillo, Don Scott, Kirk Chugg, Wes Whitehead, Bruce Engleby



Roads update- contract update – We are sending out a bid package to proceed on the road repairs that were discussed at June’s meeting.  This will happen either this year or the first of next year.  We will see how the bids come back, and then proceed.  The estimate for the immediate work is in the $80,000 range.  With proper care, the roads will last us many years.  This repair will preserve the roads in the upper sections of Pole Patch.  Pole Patch drive will have to be completely replaced below Burnham in the next several years.  We are looking at options to make sure we have the funds to take care of the roads.

Weed spraying – The HOA has purchased a weed sprayer to help with weed control.  We would like property owners to take a more active role in spraying for weeds along the roads.  This sprayer is available for anyone’s use.

Mow edges (property owners? ) – We are going to send out an email asking property owners to keep the weeds/grass mowed along the roads adjacent to their property.  The HOA will no longer contract for mowing.  We are just asking for mowing a couple feet off the road.

Summer Neighborhood party – Healy’s have offered to host a neighborhood party on Thursday, August 2nd.  We will authorize up to $300 to purchase food.  We will have John send out notification to the owners in the next couple days

Kapp easement – We have received a request from Jason Kapp requesting an easement to access his property above the Western End of Jessie Creek. This would only be for access across current existing Pole Patch Roads.  Kirk will reach out to an attorney for help, and then we will go back to Jason with conditions relating to how the easement can be used.

water – Discussions are continuing with Pleasant View City regarding our water system.  Shawn will add to the website the specifications for water meters on new construction.  A maximum 3/4″ meter is required.



2018-6 June

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Jun 132018

June monthly meeting

Excused- Bruce Englesby/ Dave Park

in attendance..

Elaine Dagnillo/ Don Scott/ Kirk Chugg/ Wes  Whitehead/ John Dagnillo /

Neighbors also in attendance/ Bill & Janet (in Kendall’s old house) Mark Stull


  1. Road Presentation (Tim Biel, Ryan, PEPG CONSULTING L.L.C.) see engineering report provided for details
    1. Total rebuild not required as base seems to be good.
    2. Seal coat should be done every 5 years.
    3. Most expensive option needed for best result would be normal maintenance for the top half spot patch, seal coat, and complete new asphalt lower road.
    4. Least cost option is scrub seal, maybe helps for another 3-5 years.
    5. 2 inch overlay, 10-15 years $160k-$170k with fabric ~$190k +5 years on top of the 10-15.
    6. Inaction removes option and increases the cost of others.
    7. PEPG can provide map of work, and scope of work to provide to potential contractors
    8. Changing from 3″ to 4″ doubles the strength of the road.
    9. Vote to take action to repair whole upper section less east end of Jessy Creek and slurry seal whole upper, motion and passed vote.
    10. Vote to not fix lower half of Pole Patch, run to failure and spot repair as required, motion and passed vote.
  2. Next board meeting discuss an impact fee for new construction.(regarding road damage from heavy trucks)
  3. Non-permanent Structures
    1. Should meet the same requirements as an outbuildings.  Send out in email and discussed in next HOA meeting.
  4. Gate
    1. New keypad and screen put in all functions and looks good.
    2. Water line was ran to the gate to water the flowers.
  5. Neighborhood Watch
    1. Don will set up meeting to talk about the correct way to handle trespassing etc.
  6. Water Violations (Don), The state has a new requirement for testing every week – water quality- we have never done that & need to find solution- Don is working with City to possibly take over our water system (for a fee)
  7. Shawn to send water spread sheet to board.
  8. Next meeting Tuesday July 10th.

29-June-2018 – addendum to June 6, 2018 board meeting

The board is requesting bids to move forward on items 9 and 10 under the Road Presentation above.  We will proceed with the outlined repairs as quickly as possible.


2018-05-08 MAY

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May 092018


excused- Wes Whitehead

In attendance: Shawn Maynard, Dave Park, Elaine D’Agnillo, John Sears, Bruce Engelby, Kirk Chugg, Don Scott

A new neighbor at 4903 Pole Patch Drive will present house plans at the July meeting


Roads Discussion

We have made contact with Pleasant View City to see if they have interest in plowing our roads we will continue to explore this option over then next couple of months

Core samples have been taken from various places in our roads to evaluate their condition.  A report is forthcoming, at which time we will consider options available to us.

Kirk as acquired a sprayer that can be used to spray weeds along the roads

Gate Keypad Discussion – The new gate controller is here.  It has a back-lighted keypad and will be installed and working in the next couple weeks.  This should be a seamless transition with no changes to existing codes.

We had a discussion on items in the CC&R’s that are “grey areas” as far as interpretation.  We would like to be pro-active in identifying and addressing some items. Basically anything that could impact your neighbors should be brought before the board.  Such items could include:

  1. Outbuildings – including pre-built structures (Tuff Shed, etc)
  2. Lot clearing/dirt moving
  3. Free standing solar panels

When we have something put together, we’ll send it out for discussion.

Water- fire hydrants are complete.

We continued a discussion about people trespassing (parking cars, having campfires, etc.)  We will have a discussion with the Pleasant View police on options available to us.




2018-04-10 April

 minutes, Uncategorized  Comments Off on 2018-04-10 April
Apr 112018

in attendance:

Shawn Maynard, Dave Park, Elaine Dagnillo, Kirk Chugg, Don Scott (Bruce Engelsby excused)



  1. Outbuildings
  2. Roads
  3. Gate
  4. Update on Wadman property

Steve Wheeler attended the meeting and asked for better instruction as to the requirements of construction for an outbuilding he is contemplating building on his property.  Neighbors Porters and Penmans were in attendance to voice support.  At this time there was not a plan submitted but the request did point out the need for clarification of the CC&Rs in regard to the construction of outbuildings… the Board discussed the need for a broad set of guidelines that would allow an applicant to better understand what criteria might be required.

The board discussed the topic of outbuilding construction and recognized that the CC&Rs are very subjective and require: The Owner shall submit plans (building and site), color samples, and material samples to the Board of Trustees. The type and placement of materials shall be of top quality and complement and be consistent with the existing construction within the Project.  Which means an applicant for a building would have to get into the process pretty far before they could even submit a proposal for the boards consideration, with no real idea of the possible outcome.


This Board sought to provide more clarity and a method for an applicant to know what the board would likely approve and to ensure consistent assessment of future projects.  To that end a page was added to the Pole Patch Website;  This page outlines the criteria specific to outbuildings.  When considering construction of a new building  the applicant should be able to utilize that criteria to determine placement and construction design and have a reasonable expectation that a proposed building using that criteria outlined on that page will be approved by the board.

There have been several complaints of the gate not working.  We will obtain bids to replace the controller.  Also, we will get water run back to the gate for cleaning and watering.

We continue to evaluate the roads and repairs that are necessary

All of the fire hydrants have now been serviced, and will be painted as the weather permits.


2017-06-14 June * new home consideration

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Jun 092017

no meeting for june… work party to re-install street signs later in the month.

in the meantime – potential new neighbor Mike Mansfield had previously asked “in concept” is a Log home acceptable

& the board agreed “in concept” that a home constructed of log was congruent with our mountain setting – so long as it was a nice home with features/ windows/ 3 dimension etc… like a “Park City style log home”  not like a little house on the prairie cabin.

attached below are examples from the home owner as to the general type of construction he expects his home to resemble.  The logs themselves will be larger logs *”not the smaller turned logs.





2016-12-13 December

 minutes  Comments Off on 2016-12-13 December
Dec 132016

December Meeting:

Attending: Shawn Maynard, Eric Stakebake, Don Scott, Mark Stull, Cathy Montierth, Elaine D’Agnillo, Brice Penrod

  1. Set date for annual meeting & make assignments:
    1. The annual meeting of the association shall be held on or about the 1st Monday in February in the lower level of the Pleasant View City offices at 7 pm
      1. This will be Monday, February 6th. Eric to call and reserve the building and email Board and John Sears to notify all owners of the meeting.
      2. Discuss fire protocol at meeting.
  2. New Board Members: Terms are up for Brice Penrod & Eric Stakebake?  Shawn will continue for the duration of his new term, which will be two more years.
    1. New duties- *new secretary- requires laptop at meetings & training on how to enter minutes etc.
      1. Mark willing to volunteer for position for secretary
    2. Budget – spending and rates to remain the same.
    3. roads report – things are OK now. Eric will contact John Sears to have him send out notice that residents need to have cars removed from roads for safe plowing. Yield signs are coming, but company has contract with Maverik and we aren’t a priority.
    4. water report and water system management – Don states that it is likely that PV City will take over monitoring – conceptually they seem to agree to this. They would like a firm contract for this once details are clear. The mayor and City manager have agreed conceptually to the maintenance and quality oversight. Tyson Jackson is in charge of water at the City. As of January 1st, we need new management. Tyson has been made aware of our situation and has communicated to Don that Tyson will handle things until an agreement has been made with the City, or if not with the City, then outside of that with Tyson and some of the people that work with him. If alarm goes off, it goes to N. Ogden City, who would call Bill, who could contact Don. One potentially serious problem with the system is that the pumps and check valves need to be checked annually, and they have not been checked because it appears our assembly is not to code. The pressure zone portion is creating the issue – in that it is not testable – wrong apparatus for what is needed. Double check valve vacuum breaker needed, not double check valve pressure zone. Sanitary survey was done just before Thanksgiving with the State. Everything passed except certified back flow person. Not having this person can result in negative points on the water system. Not sure what happens if we have negative points. Locks were bought for buildings with updated codes – pump house included. Don can purchase flags for fire hydrants and install them.
    5. ccr’s/bylaws – Brice had these recorded.
    6. gate – battery was replaced on gate and should be working well.
    7. cameras – gate cameras are now up and running and DVR up and running. New DVR for high-quality would be about $400-$500.
  3. Solar discussion
    1. Broad consensus that solar is generally acceptable; now how to make this aesthetically pleasing
      1. Attractive, dark-colored, residential version, nice finish, flat and roof-mounted. Outside of this, such as free-standing installations, should be approved by the current Pole Patch Board.
  4. Communication towers:
    1. Communication towers exceeding 6 feet should be approved by the current Pole Patch Board.
    2. Existing communication towers are grandfathered in.
    3. Improvements/new parts to towers should be painted to make them as inconspicuous as possible.
  5. Financial – UtaHOA to stay up on people who are behind on payments.
  6. Pole Patch Contact information: Eric to ask John Sears for updated contact information for Pole Patch Residents to be given to Board Members, in particular, Cathy Montierth, who has not received this information.
  7. Suggestions for other Board members: Kirk Chugg (Shawn will approach him), Bruce Engleby (Elaine will approach him).

Meeting adjourned until annual February meeting.