Feb 072017

Present: Kirk Chugg, John and Elaine D’Agnillo, Garren Decker, Joseph and Sharon Decker, Bruce and Kathleen Engleby, James and Phoebe Fournier, Kendal and Kass Madsen, Shawn and Sharlene Maynard, Brad and Kathy Montiereth, David Park, Don and Mindy Scott, Eric and Sheryl Stakebake, Mark and Elody Stull, John Parker

Shawn Maynard opened meeting.

John Sears: Finances: overview of finances, including current balance, and need for a reserve study to budget for ongoing needs. Roads, snow removal, water, electricity and other budgeted items briefly discussed. Healthy budget.

Positions on the HOA Board: Eric Stakebake and Brice Penrod leaving. Nominations, second of nominations needed. Voting if needed.

Don Scott: Report on water: Bill Goss, who used to run the water services for the HOA, retired, and his position needs to be replaced. Offer extended to PV City for this. Tyson Jackson was contacted. So far, no signed agreement with the city, but this is close. Tyson has agreed to take over sampling, monitoring, etc., and is going to get paid as an individual even if PV City is not willing to take over the monitoring.

Elaine D’Agnillo: snow removed, roads taken care of in the spring, assess needs again in spring for possible crack sealing

Shawn Maynard: Gate and Cameras: gate interface working, gate cameras up and running, street signs up and look great, yield signs need to be placed still, gate might benefit from a bit of an upgrade. Solar installation was approved in general, on the roof, with other criteria in the notes on the web. Dave Park introduced – moving into Larson’s house. New home going up next to the Scott’s. Someone buying lot next to Jesse Creek and Joe Decker’s house.

Board nominations: Kirk Chugg and and Bruce Engleby nominated, and nominations received a second. They were unanimously voted in. Board meeting dates, times, and place discussed: 2nd Tuesday of the month at the North Ogden Cannery Bldg. No meeting in February this year.

No questions needed answering.

Meeting was adjourned.


New neighbors: 2017

January- David Park- bought Larson home

March – Shauna Christofferson bought lot south of Engelsby’s

March – Rick & Charlene Thaler bought dustin neilson property

August – Michael Mansfield bought lot on Waterfall

August – Wes & Nikki Whitehead bought Robert Chugg home *across from Jeff Clark

October- Ron & Sue Peterson bought lot on s/w corner Jesse creek / pole patch

October – Justin & Erika Wood Bought barker home top/end of pole patch next to D’agnillo



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