Nov 142018

In attendance:  Shawn Maynard, Dave Park, Bruce Engleby, Wes Whitehead, Don Scott, Elaine D’Agnillo, John Sears

Excused:  Kirk Chugg

Discussed dues increase to cover ongoing road maintenance.  We are proposing a $350 per year increase to cover this expense (explained in August minutes).  The board can increase dues by 20% without a vote of the members, which would be $300.  We will take a vote at the yearly meeting to increase to $350

Annual meeting will be Monday, February 11, 2019 at 7:00 and will be held at the Pleasant View City Office.  Elaine and Don have both served their terms on the board and their positions will have to be filled

Christmas Party: Kara Liston has offered to host a Christmas Party for the neighborhood.  We will contribute $300 towards the party, and offer to assist any way we can.

Archive work done at pole patch:  We are asking all board members to report all actions that they have been responsible for (road maintenance, snow removal, water system work, etc) so that future board members can reference the information.  We will put this all on the website.

Prep for annual meeting

Snow removal will be done by Sky Rands Roofing this coming winter

We need to discuss water in our next meeting

Shawn will approach Ron Peterson about serving on the board


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